How Corporate America Uses Fake 'Institutes'& "Councils' to Con Consumers.
The International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI) bills itself as a“nonprofit, worldwide organization whose mission is to provide science that improves human health and well-being and safeguards the...
View ArticleLive on The Brief: Hope for reforming gun laws, and Corporate America is in...
We’ve got a stellar line up Tuesday! Do you feel helpless about the politics of gun control? After three fresh shooting tragedies, there’s reason for hope. Not only are the politics of the issue...
View ArticleMcConnell declares free enterprise dead to the GOP
It's all happened so quickly, it's been easy to miss the major implications of Republicans deciding that entities like Major League Baseball and Corporate America are now on the wrong side of their...
View ArticleMcConnell decides threatening corporate America might have unintended...
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has had quite a week. On Monday, McConnell threatened American businesses with "serious consequences" if they spoke out against the rash of GOP voter suppression...
View ArticleIt’s official, the Republican Party has lost its collective mind
Every politician and political party plays partisan politics with a healthy dose of hypocrisy, but the Republicans, once again taking their cues from the failed dictator Trump, have really upped the...
View ArticleAnti-baseball, anti-business—GOP lawmakers make clear there's no safe space...
As an unmoored Republican Party searches for ways to curry favor with a base eager for sugar highs, the GOP is becoming ever more a party of opportunists in search of attention, however fleeting....
View ArticleAs hundreds of corporate heavy hitters go to bat for voting rights, another...
Household names such as Amazon, Google, and Warren Buffett joined together with hundreds of other companies and CEOs to demonstrate a united front against "any discriminatory legislation" in a...
View ArticleRepublicans bashing corporate America say Democrats are the real threat
In the latest of installment of GOP opportunism, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis took aim at corporate America while speaking at last weekend's Republican National Committee retreat. In a recording obtained...
View ArticleBiden administration capitalizes on growing rift between American businesses...
As the decades-long bond between Republicans and corporate America sours, the Biden White House is seeking to take full advantage of the schism and the openings it leaves for Democrats. Although...
View ArticleTexas Republicans invite showdown with major corporations over GOP clampdown...
At a briefing last month in support of a new round of voter suppression bills, Texas GOP Gov. Greg Abbott admitted, "I don’t know how many—if any—elections in the state of Texas in 2020 were altered...
View ArticleLooks Like Chris Christie Will Need Corporate Welfare To "Sell" His S****y...
Susie Madrak over at Crooks and Liars has the latest on Chris Christie’s book and rehabiliation tour. SPOILER ALERT: Christie’s book is a flop with the public.A senior publishing source with access...
View ArticleSEC proposes rule to require carbon reporting in financial statements - this...
About an hour ago, the SEC approved a rules proposal to require any SEC publicly registered company to report their carbon emissions in their financial reports. This will open any number of interesting...
View ArticleSign and send to Congress: Reward work, not just wealth. Increase taxes on...
Our broken tax system has long rewarded wealth over work, and President Joe Biden recognizes that needs to change. As he proclaimed at the State of the Union, "No billionaire should pay a lower tax...
View ArticleDeSantis Message To Corporate America: I Can Beat Biden! So Give Me Large...
Ron DeSantis has a two-pronged message for Corporate America donors in NY. First, “I CAN BEAT BIDEN!” Next up, “I don’t have all of Trump’s baggage.” Those two things need a super secret ingredient...
View ArticleCall to Action: to Fast Food or to Activist?
Throughout college I’ve done many jobs: taking drive through orders, seating people at fancy restaurants, shoveling mulch and planting Bromeliads, lifeguarding, giving campus tours and helping new...
View ArticleThe Return of the Rat Race: my productivity being stifled in real time
I was so exhausted today. I laid down after work and got up at 10:30pmThis system of labor only stifles productivity.I have to give a piece of my time to a corporation. A piece of my life is gone...
View ArticleCorporations, don't bend the knee to bigotry!
In a betrayal of monumental proportions, Target and Bud Light, familiar household names known as much for their national appeal as for their previously vaunted pro-LGBTQ positions, have seemingly caved...
View ArticleWould DeSantis Cancel the Multiverse?
Ah, the multiverse. That wondrous array of infinite possibilities.Truth is, comic book reading boomers have known of the multiverse for quite some time now. It was DC, who, according to some accounts,...
View ArticleTrump wants to gut diversity programs. Guess whose company has one?
If you want to run a modern business with a bright and prosperous future, you’ll want to look into launching a diversity, equity, and inclusion initiative.In fact, such programs are swiftly becoming de...
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