The Koch 'Free Enterprise' Meeting to 'Protect America' -- Conducted in Total...
For some reason, holding Top Secret Meetings to save our "free market" way of life, kind of bugs me.It's not just that I don't trust Billionaires -- it just kind of bugs me they want to Buy our...
View ArticleLucky to have a job…
The title of this post is a phrase I have heard quite a bit since the bottom fell out of the job market. No job is safe no person is indispensable. You can do your job perfectly and still find...
View ArticleRethinking the Wall of Separation: Education, Government, and Corporate America
Many of the foundational beliefs among Americans are driven by more mythology than fact. Americans have a contradictory attitude about the “wall of separation between Church and State” attributed to...
View ArticleCorporations Are SOME People
Crossposted from Hillbilly Report.You know it is no secret to anyone who has read this blog that I disagree with and oppose every position and despise everything the modern Republican Party stands for....
View ArticleI told them I wanted to do more; They fired me
I write this today not looking specifically for any pity-partying on my behalf, but rather to add to what has become a clearly dysfunctional and really pretty pathetic corporate system in America.I...
View's warehouse inferno
Maybe this was reported earlier in the week. I just read it tonight myself, though. If this is old news, my apologies.Seems like a boycott of is in order, as it would appear that obvious...
View ArticleOWS - Do it for your parents...
There is a new book out about the sad predicament that many hard working Americans find themselves in when they reach their "golden years". The pensions of millions of Americans have been...
View ArticleThe State of the State of Michigan By: Gerald Rozner
On January 2, 2011, Governor Rick Snyder changed the fate of Michigan. Our deficit, according to a few sources was from $1.7 billion to $2 billion. His approach thus far has been egregious.He gave the...
View ArticleHow Wall Street, Corporate America and the Banks conceived to steal the...
What I am about to write in this article is not a proven fact. History may decide whether it is, but as we continue to live through this crisis, the evidence is there to make the assumptions that I’m...
View ArticleEducation in the Corporate States of America
In Cat's Cradle, Kurt Vonnegut (1963) introduces into his fictional world Bokononism, a religion in which its messiah through the sacred text, The Books of Bokonon, confesses: "'All of the true things...
View ArticleOccupy Best Buy--When Public Camping is Perfectly Acceptable
Tonight, FOX 5 Atlanta WAGA is reporting that shoppers are camped out in front of Best Buy stores in the area waiting for the Thanksgiving specials to go on sale. Yet in spite of this illegal activity,...
View ArticleALEC Crow Laws are attacking Democratic voters, union workers, low-income...
Progressive Democrats Fighting Evil ALEC Crow Laws that add to the "Southernization of America" because these laws are like the old Jim Crow Laws of the south that target everyone but the elite
View ArticleWinslow, AZ PDA Summit: Political Guru John Nichols on the hunt for those who...
Progressive Democrats of America continue to fight for human dignity!Insightful political writer John Nichols slams the evil American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) who are attacking the welfare...
View ArticleMy Suggestions for New Slogans Coca-Cola Can Use After They Finally Sent ALEC...
I've written some new slogans for Coke.I Hope Coke is Listening as Much as Our Kids Listen to Their Sugary Soda Pop AdvertisingYou may have heard - Coke gave the boot (under pressure) to the American...
View ArticleThere Aren't Any Good Days At Work Anymore
I used to really love my job. So did my co-workers. I don't know too many people who could make that claim with a straight face but when we said it, we meant it. Not anymore. I work for a...
View ArticleCalling Women “C**TS” OK, Crying In The Boardroom? Not So Much
I’m not ashamed to admit that watching The Apprentice is one of my guilty pleasures. While I actually prefer the regular, non-celebrity version, watching the Celebrity Apprentice is certainly an eye...
View ArticleSung to the tune of America the Beautiful
America, the Corporate, the fortresses you built were fortified by those who died while you are free of guilt A-mer-i-ca the Cor-por-ate, your billions are intact You survived our former pride and live...
View ArticleI apologize for my Bigotry.
For many years now, I've been complicit in perpetrating a form of discrimination I thought was just ok.Thanks to the Supreme Court of the United States, and their many allies in the House and Senate, I...
View ArticleHip Hop Saves Lives’ Wan-Luv Summer Music Series in NYC
New York, N.Y. Summer in New York City is a special time with heat, rain – and outdoor festivals! On July 26, the Wan-Luv 2012 Summer Music Series will present a “Pre Carnival des Fleurs” celebration...
View ArticleProfiting from the Inevitable Steal attempt.
Good morning! Thank you for coming to the pre-coronation seminar for America.As we all know, Mitt Romney has been selected as the next president of the United States by the RNC. Oh, you may hear some...
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